The Men’s Department at Western Costume has menswear for all your needs. Our floor-to-ceiling racks have more than 100,000 suits to choose from, not to mention every piece you need to costume from head to toe: hats, ties, shirts, pants, shoes, accessories, and more. Every era is represented in the aisles and our experts are here to find the perfect piece you’re looking for. The Men’s Department continues to be the unbeatable source for men’s costuming needs, and the recent acquisitions of Rick’s Americana, Amalgamated Costumes, and the Dykeman-Young Collection have added to our beautiful stock.


Need petticoats or pajamas? 1950s day dresses or 1970s denim jumpsuits? Whatever it is, the Women’s Department at Western Costume has it. One of the largest vintage collections available, with thousands of costumes from every period, is here at Western Costume Co. for all your costuming needs. Our knowledgeable staff can guide you through the aisles to find everything you need to complete your look with hats, shoes, handbags, gloves, and jewelry.
